Jaxton Monterey Willman

Engineer, Gator, Innovator, Mentor, Competitor

WEBSITE ALERT: THIS WEBSITE IS CURRENTLY ONGOING DEVELOPMENT. This page is REALLY far from finished, but hey, you can still interact with the 3D models!


Heliostat Assembly

Fruit Juicer

DML Robot Spring 2020

Scissor Lift

Pressure Release Valve

Plane Tug Robot



Class projects for Programming Fundamentals 1 - Java with Dr. Blanchard in Fall 2018. Black Jack, Calculator, Paku-Dex (pokemon tracker), something else.

Development, Wordpress, Bootstrap

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WEBSITE ALERT: THIS SECTION IS CURRENTLY ONGOING DEVELOPMENT. The individualized project pages are not done and the captions for each project are not very informative.

Render of 3D model of a heliostat module

Senior Capstone Project

We designed and built a heliostat as a team of 8 given strict design constraints from our sponsor.

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Render of 3D model of a competition robot

Design and Manufacturing Laboratory

We designed a robot to compete against the other teams in a tennis ball competition. We learned prototyping, design, 3D modeling, and manufacturing.

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Render of 3D model of a 1/4 inch pressure release valve

Reverse Engineering

I reverse engineered the mechanics, thermal design, and dynamics of a pressure release valve

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Render of 3D model of a robotic plane tug

Robotic Plane Tug

Designed a plane tug to easily manuever lighter aerobatic competition planes around the hangar and tarmac. Electronics only proof of concept.

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Render of 3D model of a hand turned scissor lift

Scissor Lift / Shop Jack

Designed a hand turned shop jack to meet a set of constraints.

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Render of 3D model of an auger fruit juicer

Auger Fruit Juicer

First CAD project was to design a juicer that levereged an auger for juicing.

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Vibrational analysis

Flutter Instability of an Aircraft Wing

I analyzed the vibrations from a flight test and extracted predictions of where the system would go unstable.

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Vertical-static bending moment plot of bike frame

Finite Element Analysis of a Bike Frame

I determined the final radius of each tube of a bike frame to satisfy the design constraints of geometry and loading without failure from yielding or buckling.

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Stress concentrations plot of the final geometry of a torque arm

Analysis and Design of a Torque Arm

Finite element analysis using Abaqus CAE was performed on a torque arm model to perform a convergence analysis, a comparison of four element types, and then optimize the mass of a torque arm by changing the geometry of the center cutout while maintaining a maximum stress less than 250 MPa.

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Mechanics of Materials Laboratory

Mechanics of Materials Laboratory Reports

Ran some experiments and wrote IEEE conference papers (unsubmitted) detailing my mechanics of materials experiments.

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Thermal Design and Sciences Laboratory

Thermal Design and Sciences Laboratory Reports

Ran some experiments to get an intuition for thermal design. Designed an impeller to meet a certain efficiency curve in Simerics MP+ (formerly Pumplinx).

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Controls Lab

Controls Lab Reports

Started by analyzing bang-bang controllers and ended up modulating the pwm to a fan to control the height of a ball in a tube.

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Investigating Neurological Disorders in a Model of the Sensorimotor Control System

The goal of the project is to investigate neurological disorders in a model of the sensorimotor control system. Extensions will be added to Dr. Shreya Saxena’s previously published work describing a simple, generalizable framework for the sensorimotor control system using controls theory. The musculoskeletal system will be expanded from a simple joint to a more accurate configuration of muscles using OpenSim software for modeling, simulating, controlling, and analyzing the neuromusculoskeletal system. The peripheral nervous system will be expanded from a simple integrate-and-fire model to one with more biologically accurate functions, such as ATP production and calcium channels. Neurological disorders will be investigated within the context of this expanded model.

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Personal Portfolio Website

Personal Portfolio Website

Designed my own website to showcase my resume and portfolio.

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STIM League of Legends App

League of Legends Statistics Tracker and Improvement Manager

STIM is an app to use to help monitor and improve your LOL gameplay. Get it today!

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In A Nutshell

The Nutshell is a custom operating system shell designed by David Gutierrez-McCormack and Jaxton Willman for COP4600 - Operating Systems with Dr. Helal in Spring 2021. The shell is composed of the C, C++, Yacc, and Lex languages to accomplish parsing and executing commands from the user.

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Computer Organization

Computer Organization

Class projects for Computer Organization with Dr. Cheryl Resch in Fall 2020.

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Data Structures and Algorithms

Data Structures

Class projects for Data Structures and Algorithms with Dr. Cheryl Resch in Spring 2020.

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Class projects for Programming Fundamentals 2 - C++ with Dr. Fox in Spring 2019. Minesweeper, and other projects

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Class projects for Programming Fundamentals 1 - Java with Dr. Blanchard in Fall 2018. Black Jack, Calculator, Paku-Dex (pokemon tracker), something else.

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“Protons give an atom its identity, electrons its personality.”
- Bill Bryson, A short history of nearly everything